NutsForPress Sort Any Post
NutsForPress Sort Any Post allows you to define the order your post or post types should be displayed into their related archive pages
Install and activate the Restricted Contents plugin, and you can easily mark various elements as restricted, including images, PDF files, zip files, pages, posts, and custom posts. You have the flexibility to grant access to a specific role or to any logged-in users.
To mark media as restricted, simply use the checkbox located in the right sidebar of the selected element. You can then copy and paste the provided alternative URL to link the media within pages and posts.
When the “Is restricted” checkbox is selected, the chosen element will only be downloadable by logged-in users and exclusively through the alternative URL. The original URL will be protected by an htaccess rule. Conversely, when the “Is restricted” checkbox is not selected, the media element will be downloadable by anyone, through both the original and alternative URLs.
You can also mark pages and posts as restricted by using the checkbox found in the right sidebar of the post/page editor.
If a non-logged-in user attempts to access restricted content, they will be redirected to the login page or the page you have specified in the “Restricted Contents” plugin options.
Additionally, you have the option to grant access to posts or pages only to specific roles, multiple roles, or all logged-in users. You can choose from the dropdown menu located right after the “is restricted” checkbox.
In conjunction with the Main Entrance plugin, Restricted Contents enables you to create a restricted content page, allowing the downloading of documents exclusively by logged-in users.
NutsForPress Sort Any Post allows you to define the order your post or post types should be displayed into their related archive pages
NutsForPress Login Watchdog, for limiting login attempts, hiding sensitive information and for checking the integrity of the WordPress core files
(We are) Nuts For (Word)Press
a project by Christian Gatti