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WordPress Plugin: NutsForPress Login Watchdog

NutsForPress Login Watchdog, for limiting login attempts, hiding sensitive information and for checking the integrity of the WordPress core files

Login Watchdog includes these highly useful functions for securing and protecting your WordPress website on a daily basis:
  • Two-Factor Authentication for administrators: After a successful login, administrators are prompted to enter a validation code sent via email. You can also configure an option to skip two-factor authentication until the IP address changes, which is particularly convenient for administrators who frequently log in from the same IP
  • Login Attempts Monitor: Monitors login attempts and blocks failed login attempts that exceed the defined limits, either temporarily or permanently
  • Daily Check Notification: Sends a notification if any differences are found between the core files of your WordPress site and the original files from a clean setup. It also alerts you if any suspicious files are detected
  • Security Notification: Sends notifications when an administrator successfully logs in, when there is a change in role, when a plugin is activated, when an administrator is deleted, and when a user is temporarily or permanently locked down
  • Disable XML-RPC: Disables the XML-RPC protocol to prevent brute force attacks
  • Disable Author Page: Hides the author archive page and conceals user information via the API REST, ensuring that nobody can identify the author by their ID
  • Custom Login Errors: Displays customized login errors instead of the default WordPress error messages

Get the NutsForPress Login Watchdog from the WordPress repository

See how NutsForPress Login Watchdog is efficient and safe

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